Sometimes I really hate DRM.
I have the new iPad and I bought the VGA connector, connected it to a monitor and I thought (after trying out Keynote) I would try a video, an episode from the new Doctor Who purchased through iTunes…
Well this was the result!
I paid for this episode….
I did not copy it, download it, or pirate it, I PAID for it.
I can play other videos through the connector (ones converted from EyeTV recordings for example) why can’t I play the nice videos I PAID for?
Some days I hate DRM!
This annoys me.
Presumably the media companies are worried you’re hooking this up to a VCR and flogging dodgy copies on VHS down the market….. but in reality no-one is doing this.
It’s the same when you buy or pay to rent a DVD – they play you a don’t steal advert and the disc won’t (easily or legally) allow you to copy to iPhone/iPod/iPad to watch. (Thank goodness for Handbrake – especially until iTunes content starts to match what can offer).
I think (hope) Apple has ably proved in music that DRM doesn’t add any value.
Wonder why Apple doesn’t offer a 30pin-HDMI cable???
Interestingly using a component iPod AV cable I can play protected content through it…