It wasn’t that long ago that I was complaining again about the slow progress of enabling cabinet 25 in Weston Village for fibre. When I checked this morning it was still at the Field Survey stage, however since this morning we have progressed along the fibre journey and are now at the Build stage.
We’re installing the new fibre cabinet and laying the fibre cables to serve your home or business.
You can get more detail on the fibre journey page.
At this point we’re ready to start the physical work in your community. We’ll be installing the new equipment and bringing fibre cables from your local telephone exchange to your area. You might see our teams working in the footway boxes along your street as they bring the fibre cable through the underground ducts or overhead on telephone poles. Putting our equipment in position might cause a bit of disruption with traffic diversions and closed pavements and we’ll do our best to reduce this. Throughout the build phase we continue to work closely with the power companies and local authorities to reduce delays and keep disruption to a minimum.
As you might imagine I will be taking a look round to see if they have actually started work…
I am riveted by these updates.
Yeah baby!!!!
Ahhh brings back memories. Let’s hope you’re not oversubscribed. Many of my neighbours were unable to get FTTC due to a lack of capacity in the cabinet. Looking forward to further updates.