Comic Book Fonts

I was reminded on New Year’s Day by Andy Ihnatko about Comic Book Fonts’ $20.10 font sale. As a result I got a few that had caught my eye and also recommended by Andy.

This blog post is in fact a graphic (added text below as well) using Comicrazy. I have been using it as a my default wordprocessing font since I got them on January 1st.

I do like Comic Life on the Mac and use that application for creating comics here and there.

I wanted to also use comic fonts for various documents and presentations I was working on. I didn’t want to use Comic Sans as that is horrible.

Of course comic fonts are not everyone’s cup of tea, but if you need good quality fonts, then check these out. They are not cheap, but they are excellent. If you want free fonts, you can find them online, but if you want fonts that catch the eye then have a look at Comic Book Fonts.

Leopard running on a Dell 9 minibook

Andy Ihnatko (who I regularly listen to on MacBreak Weekly) in his column this week in the Chicago Sun-Times talks about his efforts to run OS X on a netbook.

Questions like “If a computer that isn’t made by Apple is nonetheless running the Macintosh operating system and Macintosh software…can we still call it a Mac?” are more up my street, and it’s been much on my mind lately. 

No wonder. For nearly a week, I’ve been running Mac software on a Dell Mini 9 netbook.

It’s an interesting article and does demonstrate how much easier it is these days to install OS X on a non-Mac computer.

I do like the netbook concept and having used a fair few they certainly have their place in the world (generally as a second or traveling computer). Problem is that these netbooks either run Windows XP or Linux. Not that I don’t know how to use XP, and I can even get by in Linux, but both lack the familiarity that I now have with OS X.

Am I interested, yes I am.

Flip Mino HD

I don’t have a Flip camera, but certainly have thought they could be useful.

MacWorld reports on the release of the Flip Mino HD.

Pure Digital Technologies on Wednesday announced the release of the Flip MinoHD, which it bills as the world’s smallest HD camcorder. The Flip MinoHD can store up to 60 minutes of HD video.  

Andy Ihnatko (from MacBreak Weekly) has written an informative blog post comparing the Flip Mino HD and the Kodak Zi6.

I’m actually planning a rather ambitious comparison of cheap HD cameras in the next week or so. But there’s certainly been an enthusiastic — bordering on, well, “annoying” — amount of interest in a direct comparison between the Mino HD and its natural commercial enemy: the Kodak Zi6.

I think I might get one.