Okay so maybe being a little impatient, but I am still waiting on my fibre connection to be enabled.
BT Openreach finally enabled the cabinet on the 30th August and I placed my order with Plusnet the next day.
In my initial correspondence with Plusnet they seemed to imply that my connection would be upgraded on the 7th September.
However as with others I have since found out that my connection would be enabled on the 19th September. No actual time, but sometime during the day.
What I was confused with, was when I got FTTC at my old place, we had to have a visit from a BT Engineer who fitted a new faceplate to the master socket. So I was expecting to have some kind of appointment to have a faceplate installed. Talking to Plusnet customer service I have realised that as the predicted speed is low then I won’t need to have a new faceplate and “filters will work just fine”.
It was back in 2014 when BT decided that for up to 38MBps fibre connections that this could be a self-install option and therefore no faceplate needed to be fitted.
However some sites are recommending that you fit a faceplate anyhow.
We urge anyone considering or opting for a self-install fibre broadband service to install a faceplate filter. These are inexpensive and will generally deliver significant improvements in broadband speeds.
So I have been thinking that once I have the upgraded connection to fit my own faceplate. You can get them quite cheaply on Amazon.
So not long now and really fast speeds…
Well maybe just fast speeds…
Well faster than 1Mb/s at least!