Podcast Choice #08 – In Beta

I have been asked a fair few times about the different podcasts I listen to. I not only have a lengthy commute to work, but also travel a fair bit for work, so it’s vital to me to have something to listen to. This series will discuss and review the different podcasts I listen to or have listened to. In a previous blog post I spoke about the why and how I listen to podcasts, now we look at the actual podcasts I listen to.

Podcast Choice #08 - In Beta

This week’s podcast is In Beta.

In Beta is a talk show about the ever-changing state of web-based and open source software. We examine how “ship first, fix later” affects our tools and culture, with an emphasis on mobile, social, and web apps. Hosted by Gina Trapani & Kevin Purdy.

In another podcast choice I recommended This Week in Google, one of the regular hosts of that show, Gina Trapani along with Kevin Purdy have started their own podcast, In Beta.

If you enjoy This Week in Google then I think you will also enjoy In Beta, which though is different in terms of style and content, is familiar and comfortable.

The structure is quite simple, Gina and Kevin chat and discuss a variety of issues, some topical, some not. Their conversation is somewhat technical and developer focussed, rather than looking at the social implications of the beta culture. Not that they don’t venture into that area, but this is very much a geeky podcast and they wear the geek label on their sleeves. However this is not a heavy technical geeky podcast talking about code. No much more talking about software development and how changes by companies such as Apple and Google have an impact. Kevin and Gina in addition do discuss social tools such as Instagram and Twitter, but the focus is very much on the developer perspective and how changes to the APIs impact on third party developers.

I am not a developer and really know very little about coding and programming, however I have found this an interesting insight into the minds of programmers and developing software. This is a relatively new podcast, at the time of writing they are at episode ten, but the content so far has been good and I think it has settled into a enjoyable conversation about software, development and open source. If you are interested in coding from a developer’s perspective and how they approach software development in a conversational format, then do have a look at In Beta.

Subscribe to In Beta in the iTunes Store.

One Reply to “Podcast Choice #08 – In Beta”

  1. If you like collecting podcasts from a range of places I would also suggest the huffduffer service http://huffduffer.com/tribehut which lets you make your own podcast feed from the audio you find, simply install the bookmarklet and then right-click any audio file to pull into your own huffduffer feed and public list. I use it in addition to my normal subscriptions

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