Podcast Choice #05 – iPad Today

I have been asked a fair few times about the different podcasts I listen to. I not only have a lengthy commute to work, but also travel a fair bit for work, so it’s vital to me to have something to listen to. This series will discuss and review the different podcasts I listen to or have listened to. In a previous blog post I spoke about the why and how I listen to podcasts, now we look at the actual podcasts I listen to.

This week’s podcast is iPad Today.

Tech geeks Leo Laporte and Sarah Lane love their iPads so much they’ve created “iPad Today,” the TWiT network’s first show highlighting the best apps, most helpful tools, coolest tricks, and essential news surrounding the iPad revolution. “iPad Today” is smart, informative, and lots of fun.

If you have an iPad and are interested in news on the iPad and app recommendations than this is the podcast for you. This is very for the iPad user and isn’t really for anyone else…

I find there are lots of ideas to take away from the podcast on how to make better use of your iPad and what fun, useful and interesting apps that are out there.

This is one of the few podcasts I listen to where I actually prefer to watch it! The video version of iPad today is available in both a high res and low res format. As the podcast is looking at apps, the video version makes a lot more sense when the hosts are describing what they like about apps they are viewing. The audio version is still though eminently listenable to.

One of the “features” of iPad Today (and the other podcasts from the TWiT network) is that notes from the show are available within a few days on the show wiki. So if you are listening in the car or on your iPod and want to know the name of the app that was mentioned, it will usually end up in the wiki with a link.

So if you have an iPad and want to know what new apps are available and what the latest news is, then this is a great podcast to watch (and listen to).

Subscribe to iPad Today in the iTunes Store.

2 Replies to “Podcast Choice #05 – iPad Today”

  1. You watch iPad Today on your commute? That’s on the train right? Or do you do what I (very) occasionally do and pretend I’m looking at my Sat Nav? 😉

    Here are my current fave tech-related podcasts to listen to on my commute:

    – Click/Digital Planet
    – EdTechTalk
    – elearning Stuff (of course!)
    – MacBreak weekly
    – Guardian’s Tech Weekly

    1. I have listened to the audio version on my commute… however I watch the video version on my Mac at home. 😉

      Thanks for the list.


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