Nokia N97 – Looking good!

Nokia’s new N97 phone is looking really good.

I hope it is as good as it appears to be.

Nokia’s press release on the Nokia N97:

The N97 isn’t a device that will trigger knee-jerk hysteria, but instead it should breed cool-headed excitement at the prospect of a new era of mobile experience.

It may be an Nseries handset, but the N97 carves a new space in the otherwise blurred realm between smartphone and laptop – a product built on a foundation of rock solid mobile principles, Nokia innovations, and tangible new technologies, pushed to the extreme and embodied in a slimline pocket shell.

One Reply to “Nokia N97 – Looking good!”

  1. The zooming in on web pages looked a little awkward (although I guess it’s difficult to really tell until you try it).

    > trigger knee-jerk hysteria,

    No prizes for guessing what they are referring to here! 😉

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