Though I do use .Mac to sync my bookmarks over several computers (with differing levels of success) I do also use the web version quite often on computers that don’t have .Mac support (eg PCs) or that I don’t own.
So you can imagine my disappointment when I received the following e-mail from Apple.
Dear .Mac member:
As you may know, your .Mac subscription is being upgraded to MobileMe, Apple’s new Internet service for your Mac, iPhone, iPod touch, and PC. This includes a new way to manage bookmarks across your computers and even push them over the air to your iPhone and iPod touch.
As part of the transition to MobileMe, web access to your .Mac Bookmarks will end in July 2008 and you will no longer be able to access or update your bookmarks at Mac-to-Mac sync will not be affected.
To avoid losing bookmarks saved on .Mac, please sync them with your Mac before June 30. This will ensure that MobileMe can keep your bookmarks in sync going forward. Here’s how.
For more information on the transition, please visit the MobileMe FAQ.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
The .Mac Team
I can see that it may make things better, but for me losing the web bookmarks will be inconvenient.