It’s November and the weather is getting colder this week. The Funky Cat was telling me this morning that it was 0℃ outside.
I did appreciate using the app to heat the car this morning, so it was nice and toasty when I got inside, and that the windscreen was clear.
What was less appreciated was that certain features were unavailable. I couldn’t use Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), and Smart Cruise Control (SCC) was also not available. In addition the front assist sensors weren’t working, so was told that wasn’t going to work either. I am not sure if this was the frost or even mud.
Obviously these aren’t critical systems, in previous cars I never had them, and you shouldn’t really rely on them either when driving. Will need to see if they are back online later. Will keep an eye on it, just in case it is something other than the cold weather.
I also think the cold is impacting on the battery and I am as a result getting a reduced range. I mentioned in another post how, even with a 100% charge, the car was predicting just a 147 mile range. Today it was only 141 miles.