3G N73 Mac Internet

A guide on how to connect a Mac to enable it to use 3G Nokia N73 as a Bluetooth modem.

Connecting a Mac to the internet via Vodafone 3G and Bluetooth enabled Nokia N73 Update: link no longer works

This guide takes you through the process on a Mac (running Tiger 10.4) and on a Nokia N73 phone and enables you to connect via a Bluetooth connection to the Nokia N73 and use the phone’s 3G data connection for internet access.

Nokia N73

This guide may also be useful to people with other phones and 3G accounts with other providers.

Leopard is out, but I’m waiting…

Today sees the release of the next version of Apple’s OS X.

10.5 or Leopard brings many new features that are currently been covered all over the web so I am not going to cover them again here.

Personally I am going to wait. There’s a few things which pique my interest, but nothing that says “buy me now”.

I have also heard that 10.5.1 is going to be one BIG update. around 500MB, so that means that there are still quite a few bugs in 10.5 and I don’t want to install it on my production machine.

Converted my iTunes Collection

You know when you think you have a huge empty hard drive, and in reality after a year or so it is crammed full of audio and video files that you need to go in and do something about it.

When I got my iMac last year I decided that I would leave my iTunes library as it was in Apple Lossless format, even though it took up a lot of space, I wouldn’t lose anything in compression.

However after much thought (and listening to various views on MacBreak Weekly) I made the decision to convert my library to AAC 256kbps.

I had to do it in stages as my spare hard disk space wasn’t large enough, but I managed to reduce my library from in excess of 40GB to just 13GB.


I can always re-rip the CDs if I want to, so it’s not really like I have lost anything. Also I couldn’t tell the difference between Apple Lossless and AAC 256kbps.

Photo source

Welcome to the Tech Stuff Blog

After running my tech blog for many years using iBlog I have decided to move over to WordPress. I have been using WordPress for my new(ish) food blog and have been impressed with the ease of use and the “interoperability” with the Web 2.0 world.

I suspect though the main reason for moving over is a current problem I have with iBlog, in that I have had to reset the blog and republishing is taking days…

Also iBlog been an application (and a PPC Mac application at that) restricts  me to updating to one machine only and I expect to retire that computer as my day to day computer in the next six months.

I am hoping though that I can “import” my previous blog entries, and I certainly won’t be deleting the old blog so those entries will remain online.

Nokia announce N810

I have always liked the idea of the Nokia N series, there have been times when I have considered buying one, but never really got around to it, as I have other devices which do similar things.

On Friday, Nokia announced the new Nokia N810.

Nokia N810

The N810 is as you might guess is an improvement on the older N800. Key improvements are a full QWERTY keyboard, a faster processor and GPS.

For connectivity you either use a wifi connection or a bluetooth connection to your phone, so mobile browsing is possible, especially if you have a 3G phone. You can also play movie, audio and look at photos.

Is it an iPod touch, no, but the phone connectivity does give it an advantage over Apples’ innovative iPod.

You can read the press release and see some nice photos.

Send Keynote to YouTube

One of the features of Keynote that I have always liked is the ability to save a presentation as a movie file. As once a movie file it can be converted in many different ways.

In version 4.0 of Keynote (part of iWork ’08) you can now send your presentation direct to YouTube.

This avoids the need to export the file and then upload to YouTube, you can upload direct to YouTube quickly and easily.

I’ve not yet tried it, but I can see after attending a conference I could upload my presentation and then embed it into my blog or the organisers could embed into their website. It also avoids the problems that you can have with Keynote files as not everyone has Keynote and even if you export as PowerPoint, not everyone has PowerPoint.

GPS for the PSP

Interested to read that you can use GPS with your PSP.

So as well as browsing the net, watching video, looking at photographs and listening to audio, you can now use your PSP to find out where you are and where you need to go.

You know one day they’re going to makes games for this excellent device.

How low can you go…

When the Sony VAIO UX1XN was released in the UK it commanded a £2,000 price tag. This is a lot of money for a device the size of a PDA (even if it can run Windows Vista).

In July I noticed my local Sony Centre had reduced the price to £1,600. Still expensive, but 20% off is quite a reduction. Such reductions usually imply that a new model is just around the corner.

On Amazon in August you could get the UX1XN for just £1,199 which considering the features of the UX1XN (the cameras, flash hdd) makes the UX1XN seem like a reasonable proposition.

Now it is just £999 at the Sony story and only £899 on Amazon.


It will be interesting to see when, what and how Sony update this model with, with the next revision.

Have an airport named after you…

There are many benefits of being part of the Hood 2.0 phenomena. One that is (quite rare) but is been reported is having an airport named after you.

Steve Wheeler who chaired the Web 2.0 slam session which lead to the formation and creation of Hood 2.0 as recently pleased to read in a (high profile) blog that an airport had been named after him.

You can read more about his fame in his blog.

Ssshhh, Wispa


Oh what’s this?


Yes it is a Cadbury Wispa!

I thought these had been discarded to the litter bin in the sky where all old chocolate bars go when they are replaced by new funky chocolate bars.

Probably a limited edition.

Buy hey it’s a Wispa bar!

Remember this…