Amusing flowchart from The Register, is it a netbook or a notebook!
BBC iPlayer on Linux
Recently I have been playing about with a couple of those little netbooks which are so popular now.
Though I have had an Xandros based Asus EeePC for a while now, I realised that I had never really tried to use it to watch Flash based video. I had used it to watch DivX and MP4 video files which it did fine with, however when using the Asus to try and watch BBC iPlayer, well the results were less than satisfactory.
I also tried BBC iPlayer on a SUSE based HP 2133 netbook and got similar results.
After a bit of Google searching the verdict appears to be that the Flash Player for Linux is not that capable when it comes to playing video, rather than the chips on these low powered netbooks aren’t capable of playing Flash video.
I am now going to try the BBC iPlayer Desktop once I have re-charged the HP 2133 (well the battery doesn’t last very long).